AmyJune Hineline is the Open Source Community Ambassador at Kanopi Studios. With a dual focus on both open-source community development and inclusivity, she is uniquely positioned to help individuals become more comfortable and confident as they contribute to their communities. She co-organize various open-source camps and conventions throughout North America, empowering individuals to forge deep community connections that benefit the whole. As a self-described non-coder, AmyJune helps communities discover how they can contribute and belong in more ways than coding.
With five years of open-source community involvement behind her, she has had the opportunity to become actively involved in both the Drupal and WordPress communities: working to lower the barrier to entry in tech though the leadership of first-time contributor workshops at the local and regional level.
Her ongoing experience as a hospice nurse keeps her in touch with the challenges faced by many end-users. In her continued efforts to make a difference, she helps organize A11yTalks, an online meetup where they invite folks on every month to talk about all things accessibility - one of the core components of building an inclusive web.
Outside of her mission in the technology community space, she has a deep love for mycology, geocaching, and air-cooled Volkswagens.